About SEN and Nadis Sen is the Thai word for ‘Line’. It has the same concept as Prana Nadi used in Yogic terminology and the terms are interchangeable. It can also be compared with myofascial meridians. The Sanskrit word for energy meridians lines is Nadi. It means stream or movement. In yoga theory, nadis are said to carry life force energies […]
We all have felt at some point or the other pains next to the joints or at the points of Muscle insertion due to reparative movement undertaken for a prolonged period of time causing stress, tenderness, inflammation and finally the injury to the part. The pain in the legs after running more than the usual […]
We have all undergone various inflammatory discomforts in our life. A fever, tendonitis, bursitis, rhinitis, tonsillitis and even dermatitis are some common examples of Inflammation. In the case of pathogen infection, the inflammation is a motion that is set upon by the cells of the immune system to kill those foreign adverse microbes that are […]
I have often noticed that while it’s easier for most of us to do any kind of extensions or stretches but when it comes to twists there is a significant resistance. The body is generally used to and used for-‘simple linear movements’. Twists are not a part of our general activity. There for the difficulty […]
By Chetan – Ayur Balance Massage Teacher Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) is the tingling, burning and pain tingling (needle, pin) down the arm and into the wrist / fingers. But all tingling and pain down the arm into the wrist / fingers may not be Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. True carpal tunnel syndrome is the compression […]
In the history of massages, the work with feet is one area that has been overlooked and neglected. For most of us, massage means a work on the table using hands. Hands are very important tool. They are tool that are gifted with the diagnostic sensitivity and at the same time are instruments of relaxing […]
Massage is an amazing work- both as a receiver and giver. It takes the receiver to a pleasant, relaxing experience which may have any number of minor therapeutic benefits, such as bringing your blood pressure down and reducing the lower back pain or even liberating from some emotional blocks. Any massage professional is able to observe […]